Package finiteAutomata

Class Summary
Alphabet A non-empty set of symbols.
Assert Provides basic assertion testing for pre-conditions.
Association A key-value pair such that the key cannot be modified.
CNF Chomsky Normal Form grammar.
CNFRule Rules for the CNF class.
DFA Deterministic Finite Automaton.
DFAMenu Menu and query methods for the DFA class.
Hashtable Data structure which allows for insertions, deletions, and finds in constant average time.
IntSet Finite set of integers, used to represent sets of states in finite automata.
NFA Nondeterministic Finite Automaton.
StringVarTerm A non-empty string of variables and terminals such as occur in grammar derivations (supports the CNF class).
Util Library of public static utility methods to support the classes in the finiteAutomata package.

Error Summary
FailedPrecondition A class of error indicating failed pre-condition.