Uses of Class

Uses of StringVarTerm in finiteAutomata

Methods in finiteAutomata that return StringVarTerm
 StringVarTerm StringVarTerm.applyRule(CNFRule r)
          Returns the result of applying the given CNFRule to the LEFT-MOST variable in this StringVarTerm.
 StringVarTerm StringVarTerm.copy()
          Returns a deep copy of this StringVarTerm.
 StringVarTerm CNF.testString(java.lang.String s)
          Tests whether a given String is a NON-EMPTY terminal string which can be generated by this CNF.

Methods in finiteAutomata with parameters of type StringVarTerm
 boolean StringVarTerm.equalString(StringVarTerm other)
          Tests whether "this" and another StringVarTerm represent the same string.