Uses of Class

Uses of NFA in finiteAutomata

Methods in finiteAutomata with parameters of type NFA
protected static void NFAMenu.addEpsilonDialog(NFA nfa)
          Queries user regarding which epsilon transition to add.
protected static void NFAMenu.addTransitionDialog(NFA nfa)
          Queries user regarding which symbol-consuming transition to add.
protected static void NFAMenu.changeTransition(NFA nfa, int n)
          Takes action based on provided transition change choice code.
protected static boolean NFAMenu.constructorMenuHandler(NFA nfa, int choice)
          Takes action based on the provided constructor menu choice code.
protected static void NFAMenu.queryAlphabet(NFA nfa)
          Queries user to obtain alphabet of input symbols.
protected static void NFAMenu.queryFinal(NFA nfa)
          Queries user to determine which states are final.
protected static void NFAMenu.queryNumStates(NFA nfa)
          Prints constructor menu heading, and queries user until valid (positive) number of states is obtained.
protected static void NFAMenu.removeEpsilonDialog(NFA nfa)
          Queries user regarding which epsilon transition to remove.
protected static void NFAMenu.removeTransitionDialog(NFA nfa)
          Queries user regarding which symbol-consuming transition to remove.
protected static boolean NFAMenu.runMenuHandler(NFA nfa, int choice)
          Takes action based on the provided run menu choice code.
protected static void NFAMenu.testingDialog(NFA nfa)
          Allows the user to repeatedly test strings on an NFA.