Uses of Class

Uses of DFA in finiteAutomata

Fields in finiteAutomata declared as DFA
protected  DFA NFA.D
          an equivalent DFA

Methods in finiteAutomata that return DFA
 DFA NFA.convertToDFA()
          Returns a DFA which is equivalent to this NFA.

Methods in finiteAutomata with parameters of type DFA
protected static void DFAMenu.changeTransitionDialog(DFA dfa)
          Changes one transition based on user input.
protected static boolean DFAMenu.menuHandler(int choice, DFA dfa)
          Takes the appropriate action based on constructorMenu options.
protected static void DFAMenu.printLanguageDialog(DFA dfa)
          Reports language of the specified DFA up through user-specified max length.
protected static boolean DFAMenu.pumpTest(DFA dfa, java.lang.String inString)
          Prints header for pump report and tests the pumping preconditions.
protected static void DFAMenu.queryAlphabet(DFA dfa)
          Initializes alpha according to user input.
protected static void DFAMenu.queryFinal(DFA dfa)
          Initializes isFinal array according to user input.
protected static void DFAMenu.queryLabels(DFA dfa)
          Obtains and initializes state labels based on user input.
protected static int DFAMenu.queryStart(DFA dfa)
          Asks user for start state.
protected static void DFAMenu.queryTransition(DFA dfa)
          For each state and each alphabet symbol, asks user for destination.
protected static int DFAMenu.queryValidState(DFA dfa)
          Queries user repeatedly to enter a state label.
protected static int DFAMenu.queryValidSymbol(DFA dfa)
          Queries user repeatedly to enter an input symbol.
protected static int DFAMenu.queryValidTransition(DFA dfa, int i, int j)
          Queries user repeatedly to enter a valid destination state.
protected static void DFAMenu.testEpsilonDialog(DFA dfa)
          Tests whether the epsilon string is accepted.
protected static void DFAMenu.testingHandler(DFA dfa)
          Allows the user to repeatedly test strings or print the specified DFA's language.
protected static void DFAMenu.testStringDialog(DFA dfa)
          Queries user for string to test and reports back.