Jacob Ong


Seems to have had the typical problems with his Meeting House (Smithfield) when he chose to marry Hannah. According to Quaker records, a week before the wedding, he was disowned for "disunity"--which makes me suspect he brought the matter up for discussion, instead of just running off and doing it, then getting slapped with an "mcd" after the fact, the more typical pattern. Interestingly, it is possible that his brother Isaac had just gotten an "mcd" three years before, and brothers Nathan and John were possibly disowned in the same period. But the conflict appears to have blown over (also typical) by 1820, and in that year Isaac was reinstated and Hannah was "received by request." The record doesn't mention Jacob being reinstated, and, apart from his name, the names in this section can't be positively identified--but my interpretation is plausible.