Joseph Gibbons
- Joseph Gibbons photographed with daughter
Martha Gibbons
DeWies, also Mariana DeWies Binns, and her daughter Bertha Binns.
Taken in Barnesville, Ohio, ca. 1900. Photograph located by Ford
and Nagle.
- BORN,September 27, 1811, probably in Ohio
- MARRIED Peninah
Williams (1817-1888)
March 9, 1836 - CHILDREN
Elam, b. 10/23/1838, d 2/3/1923
Gibbons (1840-1922)
Edmund, b. 1842, d. 1/22/1856
Homer and Samuel, twins, died in infancy, 1844
Sarah, died in infancy, 1846
James and Mary, twins, b. 3/19/1847, died
and 5/7/1848
Joseph B., b. 2/6/1850, m. (1) Rebecca Edgerton,
Elma Thomas
[Added information on this Joseph: at 1880 census he was living
in the same Belmont Co. neighborhood as his parents; his wife Rebecca
23, and their son Nathan was 2.]
Twins, b. 6/26/1852: - Anna, m. George Spencer of Springville, Iowa;
d. 1909
- Martha, d. 1/18/1901 in Cleveland, Ohio, m.
Joshua DeWees
or DeWies
Elizabeth, b. 9/11/1854; m. David Winder
d. 10/10/1887
Lavina, b. 8/25/1860, d. 4/30/1923
Edward, b. 4/5/1862; m. Olive Patterson,
d. 1/2/1944 (froze to death in his home)
2 other unnamed children died at birth; total
of 16
children, plus 3 miscarriages, over a span of 24 years!
- DIED, August 28, 1906, Warren Township,
Belmont Co., Ohio
Said to be raised (along with his siblings) as totally illiterate
without education, in spite of the literacy of at least his
[Joe questions whether Homer Gibbons was in fact literate, and I can't
immediately remember why I was so certain he was--I'll see if I can
that down.]
Joseph, Peninah, and their entire family were part of a much larger
group disowned by the Short Creek Monthly Meeting (Friends) on November
19, 1862 for joining the Wilburites. The McGrew
family, into which Eli Gibbons was to marry eight years later, also
made that switch at the same time.
Connie Abeln writes that Joseph Gibbons has an entry on page 634 of
the Centennial History of Belmont
County, Ohio,
with lots of good information on Joseph and his parents, so I have sent
for that. She says that it reports that Martha South was from New
Jersey. Connie also notes that the article says Joseph Gibbons
was a
Quaker, but that Borden Gibbons fought in the Civil War.