You Can Help
Now that your family history is right in front of you, you can easily
what parts of the story you know but the rest of us don't;
what old family photographs you wish other people could see, but never
had a central place to display them; and
what secrets might be uncovered in your own home, your home area, through
your correspondence, or in your travels . . .
grave markers that could be photographed or described;
birth, marriage, and death certificates, and wills, which you may have
already or may write or visit the appropriate archive to obtain;
old photographs, letters, clippings, obituaries of family members;
access to the general history of places our family lived in times past.
Please at least drop me a note to
let me know what you have. The best way for me to receive information
and pictures is electronically, which means scanning pictures, but I have
access to a scanner if you can let me borrow pictures (or typed or printed
documents) for a short time. Just let me know what you have, and we'll
work something out.
When I get time, I hope to make some more specific suggestions of items
we should, collectively, be able to find. In the meantime, come to the
Reunion, and stay in touch!